Joint Advances in Web Security WS 18/19
Course type
Credit Points
Dr.-Ing. Ben Stock
Kickoff: October 24th, 10:00
Centrally through the CISPA seminar assignment system.
In this seminar, students will learn to present, discuss, and summarize papers in different areas of Web security. The seminar is taught as a combination of a reading group with weekly meetings and a regular seminar, where you have to write a seminar paper. Specifically, each student will get a single topic assigned to them, consisting of a lead paper and at least two additional papers. For the weekly meetings, the topic of the lead paper is presented by the assigned student, but all students are required to have read the lead paper and submit questions/points for discussions before the meeting. Moreover, each student will write a seminar paper on the topic assigned to them, which covers at least the three papers given for the topic.
In terms of grading, 70% of the grade will be the final written report, 30% will be the individual talk. Although the discussion will not be graded, attendance and submission of questions before the meeting are mandatory. Students who do not attend or submit questions twice without a doctor's note will be expelled from the course.
Tentatively, the seminar will be spread across the semester as follows:
- 24.10.2018 - Kickoff and Howto Talk/Paper Writing
- 07.11.2018 - Client-Side Cross-Site Scripting
- 14.11.2018 - Content Security Policy
- 21.11.2018 - Niche Cross-Site Scripting
- 28.11.2018 - New Web APIs
- 05.12.2018 - Browser Extensions
- 12.12.2018 - Password Managers
- 19.12.2018 - Web Archives
- 09.01.2019 - Crypto Mining
- 16.01.2019 - Malicious JavaScript
- 23.01.2019 - Internet of Things
- 30.01.2019 - HTTPS and TLS
- 06.02.2019 - Security Inconsistencies