Secure Web Applications Group

Foundations of Cybersecurity 1 WS 19/20

Lecture type Basic lecture
Instructors Dr.-Ing. Ben Stock
Advisors Nicolas Tran, Dominik Kempter
Tutors Sophie Wenning, Raoul Scholtes, Jonas Buechner, Lukas Vermeulen, Simon Rink, Philipp Dewald
Time/Place Monday 12 - 14, Günther-Hotz-Hörsaal
(starting October 21st)
Registration via CMS
Tutors' office hour TBA
Language English
Exam Dates TBA


Students learn foundational security principles, basics of cryptography, network and network security, as well as privacy-preserving mechanisms. They learn to define security goals and are familiarized with the most common attack scenarios.

All relevant information is distributed via the CMS.